Orchid Ivy Therapies
for a calmer you

Positive Perception & Non-Bias
Welcome to Orchid Ivy Therapies' Career Professional Development [CPD] page.
Positive Perception & Non-Bias is an innovative 1 hour training workshop, for Educational, Health Care and other aspiring practitioners.
Do we consider HOW we think, as opposed to what we think? - Well, research suggests that the most successful companies/organisations achieve greater success as a team when they DO consider their cognitive abilities and processes.
Research has already evidenced that we (as adults) have completed all 4 stages of our cognitive development (Piaget & Vygotsky). Unlike children, we have developed skills in abstract thinking, reasoning, a variety of ways to problem solve and plan for the future. The question is do we use these skills to work optimally? Is the way we perceive and work with others non-bias? - Or, are we driven by our CCF [Conscious Critical Faculty].
Within this workshop, we will also explore personal levels of fulfilment and how that can affect our motivation to engage in endeavours that benefit others.
This workshop aims to help you explore, in an interactive and non-judgemental way, these vital and transformative ideas.
Orchid Ivy Therapies promotes Wellbeing in the workplace.
If you are interested in this workshop: Positive Perception & Non-Bias, please get in touch using one of the methods below.
Contact me at this website
Em: info@orchidivytherapies.com
Tel: 07377 823 383